Santa Maria Assunta
The beginning of the path to the Santa Maria Assunta

The island’s canals silted up due to a twist of Mother Nature, destroying a flourishing economy. As a result, neither of the island’s two churches were ever rebuilt in a more contemporary style.
The path and the Campanile of the Santa Maria Assunta

View from the Campanile of the Santa Maria Assunta Torcello Aerial

Santa Maria Assunta and the Santa Fosca

The cathedral Santa Maria Assunta (Assumption of the Virgin Mary) dates from the 7th century but was rebuilt in the 9th and 11th century. The original church had only three naves and just one round apse (two more were added later). In other words, a typical early Christian Roman basilica that can also be found in Grado and Ravenna. Not much remains of the 7th century baptistery, just the circumference of the wall and a few bases of columns. The original baptistery (eight columns and a dome) was located at the front of the cathedral (floor plan of Santa Maria Assunta and Santa Fosca).
The baptistery (reconstruction) was for the most part based on the Lateran baptistery in Rome. An inscription was discovered during the 1895 restoration of Santa Maria Assunta. It showed that the church was dedicated to Mary and founded during the reign of emperor Heraclius. Isac, the patriarch of Ravenna, had commissioned its construction in 639. The floorplan has for the most part been preserved, and yet there is little visual evidence of the original materials. The wall of the central apse and the lower part of the entrance wall date from the 7th century.

The original floor lies beneath the present one. In 1929, the original altar was discovered during excavations and restored to its original location. The church was renovated in 864 under Bishop Adeodato, as stated in the chronicles of John the Deacon. The two side apses and the crypt were built after 864 and the outer wall probably also dates from this period. Santa Maria Assunta acquired its current exterior in 1008 under bishop Orso Orseolo, who later became doge. The floor was raised during this period. Windows were added to the upper part of the south wall, adding one clerestory to the nave. These upper windows in the south wall still have the original stone hinges that the wooden shutters are attached too. The arches of the colonnade are the stone arches from the 11th century. Two capitals on the right hand side of the nave were reused.
The interior is quite austere, in marked contrast with the San Marco. The concha of the apse features a mosaic of the Virgin Mary with Child.

Santa Maria Assunta Zoom out Nave Choir screen

Right aisle apse Vaults Mosaic Christ
Christ among the archangels Michael Gabriel Nicolas, Ambrose, Augustin, Martin

When we’re in Santa Maria Assunta, we will focus on the unique mosaics on the Apocalypse.
Santa Maria Assunta ‘The Apocalyps’ Zoom in

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in Limbo

Mosaic Wall Christ and Empty Throne
“Why is this mosaic so special?
On the lower right side, we see Hell in its most disgusting appearance ever. Angels pierce their hayforks into human bodies, black devils are flying around. This Hell is a Paradise for Byzantine Art lovers. The atrocities depicted here are not seen anywhere else. At the bottom of the scene countless skulls are floating around. Jaws are smirking and squalid wormlike creatures are creeping out of eye sockets. Body parts circle around: hands, feet, skulls, bones. The intriguing question is how the artist could put such unusual pictures in these mosaics. Probably craftsmen from Constantinople were at work here. They were highly qualified specialists who brought a rich array of imaginative power. But what drove them to depict snakes, legs and bones all over the place? Text: Annet Withagen
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God Adam and Eve venerating the Gospel and the Cross

“The twelfth century was not a lucky period for the people living “around the lagoon. For instance, we know that in this period the island of Torcello turned into a swamp. Many people died by diseases like malaria. These circumstances possibly play a part. Moreover, Sant’ Ariano, an island near Torcello, was an ossuary. For ages, bones dug up from the San Michele cemetery were brought to Sant’ Ariano. If Sant’ Ariano was already an ossuary in the twelfth century, then bones that were found there may have inspired the artists. The Last Judgment of Santa Maria Assunta may well have reflected the geographic location.” Text: Annet Withagen

Unfortunately, entire sections of the mosaics were removed in the 19th century and replaced with copies. When leaving the church, the visitor was subtly reminded to remember the Day of Judgement. Very few could read, but the images, arranged like a comic strip, were all too well understood.